The depth alarms sound a tone
when the bottom signal goes
shallower than the shallow
alarm’s setting or deeper than
the deep alarm’s setting. For
example, if you set the shallow
alarm to ten feet, the alarm will
sound a tone if the bottom sig-
nal is less than ten feet. It will
continue to sound until you
mute it or until the bottom goes
deeper than 10 feet. The deep
alarm works just the opposite. It sounds a warning tone if the bottom depth
goes deeper than the alarm's setting. Both depth alarms work only off the
digital bottom depth signals. No other targets will trip these alarms. These
alarms can be used at the same time or by themselves.
To set the depth alarms, first press the MENU key, then press the key next
to the "Adjust Alarms" label. The screen on the previous page appears.
Now press the key next to the "Set Depth Alarms" label. The screen at the
top of this page appears.
To adjust the shallow alarm, press the key next to the "Shallow" label. To
adjust the deep alarm, press the key next to the "Deep" label. Both alarms
adjust identically. We'll use the
shallow alarm as an example.
Pressing the key next to the
"Shallow" label moves the
black box from the "OFF"
postion to the "Adjust". A new
screen appears as shown at
right. Use the numbered key-
pad on the right side of the unit
to enter the shallow alarm set-
ting. We used 10 feet in this
example. After you've entered
the desired alarm depth, press
the ENT key. This enters the
alarm depth into memory. Now press the key next to the "Exit" label. The
shallow alarm is now set. If the bottom goes shallower than 10 feet, the
alarm will sound and a warning message appears on the screen at the
same time. A label also appears letting you mute the alarm, if desired.