When you're finished, press
the CLR key to exit.
As mentioned previously, t he cursor lines can be used to place an icon
or highlight a position. When
you use the cursor lines, the
position of the cross hairs on
the display are shown at the top
of the screen. Pressing the key
next to the “GOTO CURSOR”
label on the plotter menu causes
the LMS-350A to show naviga-
tion and steering data to the
position shown by the cross
hairs. This automatically turns
the arrival alarm on, also.
The unit returns to the plotter
screen with a black box around
the position display at the top
of the screen as shown below.
The word "POSITION" also
flashes, identifying it as ready
for change. Press the left or
right arrow keys to change the
data displayed in that box. For
example, to change the Posi-
tion display to Distance Go Go
(DTG), press the right arrow
key two times. To change an-
other digital box, simply press the up or down arrow keys until the desired
box's label is flashing. Then use the right or left arrow keys to select the