COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
1-2 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
It is assumed that you are already familiar with the screen functions offered with both the
full-feature 6800 Series NMS workstation and the basic-feature 6800 Series NMS workstation. If
you are not familiar with the screen functions provided by the workstations, refer to Chapter 2,
Getting Started, in the COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System User’s/System
Administrator’s Guide for this information.
6800 Series NMS Communications Products
This document describes tests and commands for the following communications products:
NMS-Supported APL Modems
NMS supports the following APL modems:
COMSPHERE 3400/4400 Series Modems
These modems consist of 4.8 kbps point-to-point and multipoint modems, 14.4/9.6 kbps
multipoint modems, and 19.2/14.4 kbps point-to-point modems. These modems are
capable of full-duplex, synchronous data transmission over analog private lines (APL).
The 3400/4400 Series modems incorporate the VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration)
design with new generation architecture referred as a Universal Signal Processor (USP).
The USP architecture provides unparalleled processing power for superior online
performance, network control, and future product enhancements.
DATAPHONE II Analog Private Line (APL) Modems
These modems are capable of full-duplex, synchronous data transmission over analog
private line channels at speeds up to 19.2 kbps. APL modems can be used as control or
tributary modems in a point-to-point, multipoint, or secondary diagnostic channel using
the low end of the analog private line’s bandwidth. Through this secondary channel, the
6800 Series NMS is able to manage and monitor the modems.
COMSPHERE 3900 Series Modems
The COMSPHERE 3900 Series modems are standalone or carrier-mounted devices which
operate on either 2-wire PSTN or APL facilities in either synchronous or asynchronous
mode. These modes are available for both point-to-point and multipoint configurations.
NMS-Supported Direct Distance Dialing (DDD) Modems
NMS supports the following DDD modems:
COMSPHERE 3800 Series Direct Distance Dialing (DDD) (or Software-defined) Modems
The COMSPHERE 3800 Series DDD software-defined modem is a standalone or
carrier-mounted device. There are five models available (3810-A1-001, 3811-B1-001,
3820-A1-001, 3830-A1-001, and 3830-a1-001.) Models 3810-A1-001 and 3811-B1-001
conform to the following rule: the dial/leased models support dial, 2-wire leased, or
4-wire leased communications. They also support automatic backup of the leased line.
Model 3820-A1-001 conforms to the following rule: the dial modem supports dial or
2-wire leased communications; automatic backup of the leased line is not supported.