2Modem/DSU Commands
2-1916800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
Remote Digital Loopback (rdl)
Use the rdl command to place a remote DATAPHONE II Direct Distance Dial (DDD) modem in or
out of a digital loopback state. Digital loopback disconnects the data terminal equipment interface
leads from the modem and links the modem’s receiver to its transmitter to create an internal loop
for remote testing.
The rdl command provides two options, loopback and release. The loopback option places the
modem in remote digital loopback testing. The testing will continue until you execute the rdl
command again using the release option, or until you execute an Abort (abort) command to abort
the test.
For most commands, NMS enables you to specify the destination for the command’s results and
schedule its execution. If the last page of the input form cannot accommodate the Destination for
results and Schedule execution fields, an additional page is provided. For a complete description
of these fields, refer to Chapter 1, Introduction.
Access Level: Data Technician, Manager, System Administrator
Abbreviation: rdl
Restrictions: None
Routine: Yes
Schedule: Yes
Related Commands: Loopback (lo)
Remote Digital Loopback Input Form
This input form contains the following fields:
Device(s) (Required field)
Enter the device(s) to be involved in this test. One or more devices may be specified.
Standard addressing format applies to the input. For information on device addressing,
refer to Appendix D of the COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
User’s/System Administrator’s Guide.
Device state (Required field)
Enter the loopback state. Valid entries are the following:
Places the device in the loopback state.
Releases the device from the loopback state and returns the device to its normal
operating state. Enter this option to terminate the loopback testing.