COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-182 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Modem Bit Error Rate Test (mbert)
Use the mbert command to locate primary data channel problems on a COMSPHERE device’s
facility. This is done by calculating the bit error rate. Once this test is started, it continues to run
until this command is executed again and abort is entered as an option, or until the Abort
command (abort) is sent to the device to stop the test.
For most commands, NMS enables you to specify the destination for the command’s results and
schedule its execution. If the last page of the input form cannot accommodate the Destination for
results and Schedule execution fields, an additional page is provided. For a complete description
of these fields, refer to Chapter 1, Introduction.
Access Level: Data Technician, Manager, System Administrator
Abbreviation: mbert
Restrictions: This test is valid only if the corresponding control or tributary device has
been placed into a loopback state.
Routine: Yes
Schedule: Yes
Related Commands: Abort (abort)
Modem Bit Error Rate Test Input Form
This input form contains the following fields:
Device (Required field)
Enter the device to which the test is to be sent. Standard addressing format applies to the
input. For information on device addressing, refer to Appendix D of the COMSPHERE
6800 Series Network Management System User’s/System Administrator’s Guide.
Port (Required field)
Specify the port number of the port from which this test is to be initiated.
For 3400/4400 Series modems, valid entries are from 1 through 4.
For 3600 Series DSUs, valid entries are from 1 through 6 or a for aggregate (to send the
test from the DSU transmitter instead of from an individual port).
For 3800 Series and 3900 Series modems, the only valid entry is 1.
The test will disrupt only the data transmission on the specified port.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections. The default is 1.