COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-212 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Group 2 contains the following parameters:
Gain hits
Phase hits
Impulse noise
Number of tests (Required field)
Enter the number of times the test should be repeated to obtain trending results.
Valid entries are from 2 through 50.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.
Interval between tests (Required field)
Enter the desired length of time between test executions. The specified interval must be
long enough to permit the first pass of the test to complete before the second begins.
Valid entries are from 5 min. to 1440 min. or from 1 hr. to 24 hrs.
Type of results (Required field)
Enter the format of the results to be returned. Valid entries are the following:
Results are displayed in numeric columns.
Results appear on a single, multicolor graph.
Subsequent pages of the input form display for the specified command. Enter the required input
parameters. Refer to the descriptions of the individual commands for more information on these
Trending Reports Results Form
There are multiple pages for the Trending Reports results form. You may request display of
trending results in tabular form or in graphical form. A separate set of trending results are
displayed for each device tested. The Trending Reports results are accessed via the Display Queue
Results results form, which is the first screen displayed for Trending Reports results.
Figure 2-65 is a sample of the second page of the Trending Reports results form that displays if
you have specified tabular trending results.