1-96800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
Display-only Fields
Certain fields display data, but do not allow you to enter new data or change the data displayed.
Display-only fields appear on the input forms without boxes or underlines.
Carried-over Fields
Some fields display information provided by the user on a previous form of the current command.
Carried-over fields may be display-only, or in some cases, may allow user input.
Common Fields on Input Forms – Destination for results and Schedule execution
Destination for results
Use this field to specify where NMS should send the results from the command
execution. Valid options are crt, remote, printer, lp, and queue. Multiple destinations can
be specified.
crt (default)
This selection causes the command results to display on your workstation screen.
When you specify the destination as crt, the command must be executed
immediately. It cannot be scheduled for a later time.
When you specify crt, NMS does not allow any other command to
be accessed from the current window until execution of the current
command has completed. Certain commands, e.g., tests that take
time to execute, or reports that include large volumes of data, can
take several minutes to complete. In these instances it is
recommended that you send the results of the command to a queue
or to a printer. The command will execute in the background,
allowing you to access and execute other commands at the same
This selection sends the results of the command to a remotely located printer. If
you specify remote, a telephone number prompt displays on the screen allowing
you to specify the telephone number of the remote printer. If an ACU phone
number has been included in your user profile (an optional field), this phone
number becomes the default number.
Sends results to a remote line printer. You are prompted for the name of the
remote printer in a field that appears below the destination field.