2Modem/DSU Commands
2-336800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
Test type (Required field for 3900 Series modems)
Enter the call test to be performed. Valid selections are as follows:
clear counter – Resets the call attempt counter within the device. The modem
will attempt to dial backup for a maximum of 10 times. At this point, the modem
must be manually commanded to dial or reset before another dial backup attempt
can be executed.
dial tone – Causes the modem to go offline and recognize a dial tone. Once a
valid dial tone is recognized, the test completes by releasing the dial line.
Leased-line operation is interrupted by this test.
ring detect – Causes the modem to look for a ring tone for a maximum of 30
seconds and terminates the test when a ring tone is detected. The modem does
not answer the inbound call while running the test, but aborts immediately.
Leased-line operation is not interrupted by this test.
Call Test Results Form
The Call Test results form lists device information for each device specified and displays a text
message indicating whether or not the call test was successful. For the 3900 Series modems the
following possible result messages may display:
• Call test passed
• no dial tone
• no ringing tone
The no dial tone and no ringing tone messages are displayed if the call test failed.