COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
1-4 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Device Addressing
Device addressing allows the 6800 Series NMS to communicate with the devices in the network.
Refer to Appendix D of the COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
User’s/System Administrator’s Guide for a description of the device addressing method accepted
by NMS.
Command Support – Customer Configurations
This manual addresses all NMS modem/DSU commands although some commands may not
pertain to your specific configuration. If you attempt to execute a command that is not supported
by your configuration, either the NMS will not act on the command or if the command is sent, the
network will respond with an appropriate message. For example, if you attempt to send the Make
Busy (mb) command to 3600 Series DSUs in your system configuration, the following message is
Test not sent. Test device mismatch.
Command Access
When you log on to the 6800 Series NMS, the 6800 Series NMS Tasks menu displays
(Figure 1-1).
To issue a modem/DSU command, select the Manager task. Then, select Network Control. Once
you have accessed the Network Control task, you can type any valid modem/DSU command
abbreviation in the enter selection field of any submenu within Network Control to access the
command; or you can select a modem/DSU command from any of the Network Control submenus
that list the commands with their assigned abbreviations. Once the selection is made, you can
select Go (F2) to request the command’s input form. For more information on selecting commands
depending on basic-feature or full-feature workstations, refer to the COMSPHERE 6800 Series
Network Management System User’s/System Administrator’s Guide. All modem/DSU commands
display one or more input forms prior to command execution, and display one or more results
forms after the command has executed.