COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-204 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Changes from the switched network facility back to the Analog Private Line or
the Digital Data Service facility.
If the specified device(s) are COMSPHERE devices, valid entries are the
Establishes a DDD backup facility for the device. This value will be accepted
only by a control modem equipped with an ACAA or DBM. A tributary modem
will always respond with a conflict with environment message.
Disconnects the DDD backup facility from the device. This value, when sent to a
control modem, causes both ends of a dial connection to be terminated. When
this value is sent to a tributary device, only the selected device’s dial lines will be
Alerts an operator to correct the telephone number problem. When an automatic
call is initiated by the 3400/4400 Series modem for backup purposes, it is
possible to have the telephone number in the modem incorrectly configured. (An
incorrect telephone number represents a call to an inappropriate device.) If the
telephone number is incorrect, the device will attempt to call a predetermined
number of times before it goes into a DBM-lockout mode where the device is
locked out of making an automatic call for a period of 4 hours. If the operator
corrects the problem and wants to override the established 4-hour waiting period
for the modem to be able to automatically initiate a call again, the operator can
select the reset-dbm-lockout option to manually override the lockout time
Causes a 3400/4400 Series modem equipped with a DBM to determine the
‘‘health” of the APL while still transmitting on the dial line. Depending on the
outcome of the APL check, data may be automatically switched to the private
line. (This option causes no disruption to primary data.)
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.
Standby Facility Results Form
This results form lists device information for each device specified, displays the requested standby
facility state, and indicates whether or not the command was successfully executed.