COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-144 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Download Device Firmware (dndf)
Use the dndf command to download device firmware from the 6800 Series NMS into
COMSPHERE 3400/4400 Series modems, COMSPHERE 3800 Series modems, or COMSPHERE
3900 Series modems. This command allows you to upgrade your modems with new modem
features or modulation schemes through the 6800 Series NMS.
Before executing this command, you must transfer the firmware files from the floppy disk
provided by Paradyne to the 6800 Series NMS. To do this, select option 8, Download modem
firmware file option, accessed from the NMS administration menu.
For 3800 Series modems, there are two types of firmware upgrade: local and remote.
• Local download: To upgrade a local 3800 Series modem, use a firmware upgrade floppy
disk in the 6800 Series NMS floppy drive. The 6800 Series NMS can download to a single
local modem; or it can download to multiple local modems on a control channel in parallel
using a broadcast mechanism of the 3800 Series modems.
• Remote download: To upgrade a remote 3800 Series modem, use a local 3800 Series modem
to ‘‘clone” the remote 3800 Series modem with a replica of its firmware. Only one modem
at a time can be selected for remote download (i.e., cloning).
For 3900 Series modems, there are two types of firmware upgrade: local and remote.
• Local download: To upgrade a local 3900 Series modem, use a firmware upgrade floppy
disk in the 6800 Series NMS floppy drive. The 6800 Series NMS can download to a single
local modem; or it can download to multiple local modems on a control channel in parallel
using a broadcast mechanism of the 3900 Series modems.
• Remote download: To upgrade a remote 3900 Series modem, use a local 3900 Series modem
as the download master to ‘‘clone” the remote 3900 Series modem(s) with a replica of its
firmware. This can be done by cloning to a single remote modem with point-to-point
For most commands, NMS enables you to specify the destination for the command’s results and
schedule its execution. If the last page of the input form cannot accommodate the Destination for
results and Schedule execution fields, an additional page is provided. For a complete description
of these fields, refer to Chapter 1, Introduction.
Access Level: Data Technician, Manager, System Administrator
Abbreviation: dndf
Restrictions: This command cannot be sent to both 3800/3900 Series modems and
3400/4400 Series modems in a single command execution. Multiple
3800/3900 Series modem selections cannot span more than one control
Downloading device firmware from the 6800 Series NMS into the
COMSPHERE modems may take up to 4 hours for a local download.
Routine: Yes
Schedule: Yes
Related Commands: None