COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-20 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Call Fault Criteria (cfc)
Use the cfc command to set the parameters to monitor no answer (displayed as non-answering on
screen) and short holding time faults in DATAPHONE II and COMSPHERE 3800 Series
The no answer (NA) fault is caused when too many calls within a call sample (a user-defined
number of calls) go unanswered. When the cfc command is executed, the Shared Diagnostic Unit
(SDU) begins a continuous count of all incoming calls. When the number of incoming calls
matches the user-defined call sample number, the SDU determines if an acceptable number of calls
have been answered. If not, a no answer fault is created.
If the connection between two DDD modems drops before a useful exchange of information can
take place, a short holding time (HT) fault is created. When the cfc command is executed, the
SDU continuously counts all control modem calls that enter the Data mode and the length of time
they remain in that mode. When the number of incoming calls matches the user-defined call
sample number, the SDU determines the average call length. If the average call length is
unacceptable, a short holding time fault is created.
For most commands, NMS enables you to specify the destination for the command’s results and
schedule its execution. If the last page of the input form cannot accommodate the Destination for
results and Schedule execution fields, an additional page is provided. For a complete description
of these fields, refer to Chapter 1, Introduction.
Access Level: Help Desk, Data Technician, Manager, System Administrator
Abbreviation: cfc
Restrictions: None
Routine: No
Schedule: No
Related Commands: Call Fault Read (cfr)
Call Fault Criteria Input Forms
There are two pages for the Call Fault Criteria input form.
Page 1
Page 1 enables you to identify the device(s) for which call fault criteria will be established.
This input form contains the following fields:
Device(s) (Required field)
Enter the DDD modem or SDU for which the call fault criteria will be displayed. If an
SDU is specified, all eight modems overseen by it will be set with the same criteria
specified in this field. One or more devices may be specified. Standard addressing format
applies to the input. For information on device addressing, refer to Appendix D of the
COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System User’s/System Administrator’s