4. DS1 Facility Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
The REPT ALM T1 message reports current T1 (DS1) facility alarms from the NE.
Table 4-6. REPT ALM T1 Response Parameters
almcode atag REPT ALM T1 "aid_ds1:ntfncde,cond_ds1,
almcde Alarm code. Identifies the severity of the alarm. Values are:
*C: Critical alarm
**: Major alarm
*^: Minor alarm
A^: Automatic message (typically used to report a cleared alarm)
atag Automatic tag that indicates the numerical sequence of messages
aid_ds1 Access identifier for an environment. Values are:
– circuit: DS1 circuit in the NT (1)
ntfncde Notification code. Values are:
CR: Critical alarm
MJ: Major alarm
MN: Minor alarm
CL: Cleared alarm
cond_ds1 DS1 facility condition. Values are:
ACTLPBK: Facility placed in loopback
AIS: Alarm indication signal
LCD: Loss of ATM cell delineation
LOF: Loss of framing
LOS: Loss of signal/clock
RAI: Remote alarm indication
serveff Service effect. Values are:
SA: Service affecting
NSA: Not service affecting
[ocrdat] Date of occurrence in the format: mm-dd (month and day)
[ocrtm] Time of occurrence in the format: hh-mm (hour 0−23 and minute 0−59)
[locn] Location of condition. The value is NEND (Near End).
[dirn] Direction of condition. Values are:
RCV: Receive
TRMT: Transmit (for ACTLPBK)
[cond_descr] Description of alarm condition (40 characters maximum).