3. ADSL Facility Commands
4200-A2-GB20-00 August 2002
Error Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* RTRV-ADSL:[tid]:aid_adsl:[ctag]::::[pstf] */
/* error description */
Table 3-26. RTRV-ADSL Response Parameters (1 of 2)
Parameter Explanation
tid Target NE identification
yy-mm-dd Year, month, and day
hh:mm:ss Hour, minute, and second
M Message generated in response to an input command
c If provided, ctag; otherwise 0
COMPLD Completed
DENY Input command is denied
/* */ Enclosed are human readable comments – unspecified format
aid_adsl As described for command parameters (see Table 3-25, RTRV-ADSL
Command Parameters), except that ALL is not used
adsl_nblk Named parameter block for ADSL line. The block consists of one or
more of the following parameters, in any order separated by commas,
each followed by an equal sign and a valid value.
ADSLPROF: ADSL Line Profile (1−30)
ADSLPROFNM: ADSL Line Profile name
ATMACCPROFF: ATM access profile index for the ADSL fast channel
(numeric index of 2)
PORTID: Port identifier (1−32 characters). Indicates the user to whom
the port is assigned.
QOSCLASSF: Quality of Service for the ADSL Fast channel. Valid value
is UBR (Unspecified bit rate).
EWL: Equivalent Working Length. Specifies the length of the DSL line.
This value is used to limit transmit rates and maximum power settings
according to local spectrum management guidelines. EWL is usually
specified by the carrier. The values supported are:
– 8.5 to 14.5 kft in .5 kft increments
– >14.5 kft
POTSLVL: POTS Level. Specifies the voltage used to detect the
presence of Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) on the DSL line. The
values supported are:
– 0 to 74 volts, in 1-volt increments (setting to 74 volts disables
POTS detection)
– Disable (disables POTS detection)