7. Equipment Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
The ED-EQPT command edits configuration data associated with equipment
supported by the system.
Response Format
If, in less than 2 seconds, a normal or error response cannot be sent, the following
acknowledgment response is sent:
IP c
After the above response, a new command input may be generated.
Normal Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* ED-EQPT:[tid]:aid_eqpts:[ctag]::[eqpt_nblk]:[pst] */
Table 7-1. ED-EQPT Command Parameters
RESTRICTIONS: All parameters in this command are position-defined.
[tid] Identification of the target NE. The default value is null. The NE SID
code is the only other valid value.
aid_eqpts Access identifier of an equipment unit. The value can be preceded with
AID=, but this is not required. Enter in one of the following formats,
replacing lower-case parameters with the values given:
LTA (Line Termination Unit A)-rack-shelf-slot
– rack: Rack number (1)
– shelf: Shelf number (1)
– slot: LT slot number (1)
Grouping and ranging are allowed.
[ctag] Correlation tag (1−6 characters) that links an input command with
associated output responses. The default is 0.
[eqpt_nblk] Named parameter block for equipment. Consists of the following
parameter name followed by an equal sign and a valid value:
– SWVER: Version of software that is configured (1−32 characters).
Input is case-sensitive. If not specified, the value of this
parameter remains unchanged. The system resets whenever the
software version is changed.
[pst] Desired Primary State (LT or ACU only). Valid value is IS (In-Service). If
not specified, the value of this parameter remains unchanged.