3. ADSL Facility Commands
4200-A2-GB20-00 August 2002
The RTRV-PM-ADSL command retrieves performance monitoring data for
selected ADSL lines.
Table 3-29. RTRV-PM-ADSL Command Parameters (1 of 2)
RESTRICTIONS: All parameters in this command are position-defined.
[tid] Identification of the target NE. The default value is null. The NE SID
code is the only other valid value.
aid_adsl Access identifier for an ADSL line. The value can be preceded with
AID=, but this is not required. Grouping and ranging are allowed. Enter
in the following format, replacing lower-case parameters with the values
rack: Rack number (1)
shelf: Shelf number (1)
slot: LT slot number (1)
circuit: ADSL circuit on the LT (1−24)
Grouping and ranging are allowed.
[ctag] Correlation tag (6 characters maximum) that links an input command
with associated output responses. The default is 0.
[monadsl] Monitored parameter. Valid values are:
CV-F: Code violations (fast channel)
DHECV-F: Discarded cells due to HEC violations (fast channel)
ES-L: Errored Seconds (line)
LOF-L: Loss Of Frame seconds (line)
LOL-L: Loss Of Link seconds (line)
LOS-L: Loss Of Signal seconds (line)
LPR-L: Loss Of Power seconds (line)
UAS-L: Unavailable Seconds (line)
Grouping is allowed. If no value is specified, ALL is assumed.
[monlev] Threshold level. Use the format lev-dirn. Valid values are:
lev: Level (0−32767)
dirn: Direction (UP, DN)
If no value is specified, 1-UP is assumed.
[tmper] Time period. The valid value is 15-MIN (15 minutes).
[monrdat] Start date for the monitoring period in the format mm-dd. Or enter ALL
(all performance monitoring data is retrieved). The default is the current