3. ADSL Facility Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
The REPT ALM ADSL message reports current alarms associated with an ADSL
facility on an LT.
Table 3-23. REPT ALM ADSL Message Parameters (1 of 2)
almcode atag REPT ALM ADSL aid_adsl:ntfcde,cond_adsl,
srveff,[ocrdat],[ocrtm],[locn], [dirn];[cond_descr];
almcde Alarm code. Identifies the severity of the alarm. Values are:
*C: Critical alarm
**: Major alarm
*^: Minor alarm
A^: Automatic message (typically reports a cleared alarm)
atag Automatic tag indicating the numerical sequence of messages reported.
aid_adsl Access identifier for the ADSL line(s). Enter in the following format,
replacing lower-case parameters with the values given:
– rack: Rack Number (1)
– shelf: Shelf Number (1)
– slot: LT Slot Number (1)
– circuit: ADSL circuit on the LT (1−24)
Grouping and ranging are allowed.
ntfncde Notification code. Valid values are:
CR: Critical alarm
MJ: Major alarm
MN: Minor alarm
CL: Cleared alarm
cond_adsl ADSL condition. Valid values are:
FACTERM Modem could not initialize (Near End only)
LCD-F: Loss of Cell Delineation (fast) (Near End only)
LOF: Loss of Frame
LOL: Loss of Link
LORATE: Line rate is below planned rate (Loss of Signal Quality)
LOS: Loss of Signal (Near End only)
LPR: Loss of Power (Far End only)
[serveff] Service effect. Valid values are:
SA: Service affecting
NSA: Not service affecting
ocrdat Date of occurrence in the format mm-dd.
ocrtm Time of occurrence in the format hh-mm.