12. Security Commands
4200-A2-GB20-00 August 2002
Retrieve the configuration data for the local console interface.
TAMPA 01-11-24 12:30:43
Related Command
on page 12-4
Table 12-12. RTRV-CID-SECU Response Parameters
Parameter Explanation
tid Target NE identification
yy-mm-dd Year, month, and day
hh:mm:ss Hour, minute, and second
M Message generated in response to an input command
c If provided, ctag; otherwise 0
COMPLD Completed
DENY Input command is denied
/* */ Enclosed are human readable comments – unspecified format
cid As described for command parameters (see Table 12-11,
RTRV-CID-SECU Command Parameters), except that ALL is not used
chap Channel Access Privilege. Access privilege is not assigned per channel,
so the highest user privilege is displayed.
[cid_nblk] Named parameter block for CID. The block consists of one or more of
the following parameters, each followed by an equal sign and a value.
MXINV: Maximum number of invalid logon alerts before declaring an
intrusion alert (3).
TMOUT: Timeout interval (in minutes) for a user session (0−99). If the
user is idle for this long, the session is automatically terminated. A value
of 0 disables the feature.
errcde Error code (see Appendix A,
Error Codes