4. DS1 Facility Commands
4200-A2-GB20-00 August 2002
TMG: Timing supply
– INT: Internal timing source. Use the NE system timing source
– LPD: Loop timing
PORTID: Port identifier (32 characters maximum). Indicates the user to
whom the port is assigned. The following values are reserved and
cannot be used:
– AVAILABLE: Port is not assigned.
– FAULTY: Port has failed and cannot be assigned (default is null).
QOSCLASS: Quality of service of connections on this port. The valid
value is UBR (UBR connections only).
The following parameters apply only if the DS1 facility directly transports
ATM traffic (ATM mode). If no value is specified, null is assumed.
ATMACCPROF: ATM Access Profile index (1). This value determines
the range of values for vpi and vci in several other commands. The
value cannot be changed while any VPLs or VCLs exist.
ATMACCPROFNM: ATM Access Profile name. The default is NT
ATMACCPROF: ATM Access Profile index (1). This value determines
the range of values for vpi and vci in several other commands. The
value cannot be changed while any VPLs or VCLs exist.
ATMACCPROFNM: ATM Access Profile name. The default is LT
QOSCLASS: Quality of service of connections on this port. The valid
value is UBR (UBR connections only).
state State from the Bellcore model. Values are:
IS-NR. In service, normal.
OOS-AU: Out of service, autonomous.
OOS-MA: Out of service, management. Transient state (changes to
OOS-AUMA: Out of service, autonomous and management.
sst Secondary state. Values are:
LPBK: Retrieve looped-back entities only
errcde Error code (see Appendix A,
Error Codes
Table 4-13. RTRV-T1 Response Parameters (2 of 2)
Parameter Explanation