C. Traps and MIBs
4200-A2-GB20-00 August 2002
Paradyne Configuration MIB (mpe_Config.mib)
The Paradyne Configuration MIB (mpe_Config.mib) allows the choice of the
network timing reference source for the GranDSLAM 4200
(mpeDevConfigClockSrcEntry table).
Paradyne Configuration MIB (pdn_Config.mib)
The Paradyne Configuration MIB (pdn_Config.mib) enables configuration of test
timeouts (devConfigTestTimer table).
Table C-21. Paradyne Configuration MIB Objects
Object Description Setting/Contents
mpeDevCfgClkWhichSrc Defines the master clock source. Integer. The only valid value is primary(1).
mpeDevCfgClkSource Selects the source for the master
clock for the device.
Read/write. Integer. Valid values are:
Table C-22. Paradyne Configuration MIB Objects
Object Description Setting/Contents
devConfigTestTimeout Defines the master clock source. Read/write. Integer. Valid values are:
disable(1): Tests will not be terminated
based on a timer
enable(2): Tests will be terminated after the
duration specified by devConfigTest
devConfigTestDuration Specifies how long a test is allowed to
run before it is automatically
Read/write. Integer.