14. System Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
The ALW-MSG-ALL command allows all autonomous messages to be reported.
This command affects only the issuing user’s session. Unreported alarms and
events existing at the time of resumption are reported with the REPT-ALM and
REPT-EVT commands.
Response Format
If, in less than 2 seconds, a normal or error response cannot be sent, the following
acknowledgment response will be sent:
IP c
After the above response, a new command input may be generated.
Normal Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* ALW-MSG-ALL:[tid]:[aidall]:[ctag]::[ntfcncde] */
Error Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* ALW-MSG-ALL:[tid]:[aidall]:[ctag]::[ntfcncde] */
Table 14-3. ALW-MSG-ALL Command Format
RESTRICTIONS: All parameters in this command are position-defined.
[tid] The identification of the target NE. TID is optional and has a factory
default value of null. The NE's SID code is the only other valid value.
[aid_all] Access Identifier for all entities. The value is ALL.
[ctag] The correlation tag (6 characters maximum) that links an input
command with associated output responses. It is optional with a default
of 0.
[ntfcncde] Notification code for some autonomous messages. Grouping is allowed.
If no value is specified, ALL is assumed. Valid values are:
CR = Critical alarm
MJ = Major alarm
MN = Minor alarm
NA = Not alarmed