7. Equipment Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
Error Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* RTRV-INV-EQPT:[tid]:aid_eqpts:[ctag] */
/* error description */
Table 7-8. RTRV-INV-EQPT Response Parameters
Parameter Explanation
tid Target NE identification
yy-mm-dd Year (two digits), month, and day
hh:mm:ss Hour (00-23), minute, and second
M Message generated in response to an input command
c If provided, ctag; otherwise 0
COMPLD Completed
DENY Input command is denied
/* */ Enclosed are human readable comments – unspecified format
errcde Error code (see Appendix A,
Error Codes
aid_eqpt As described for command parameters (see Tabl e 7 - 7,
RTRV-INV-EQPT Command Parameters), except that NT and LT are not
cur_eqpt Type of the equipment actually installed (8 characters maximum). If the
equipment is not installed, no value is displayed.
manuf Manufacturer (Paradyne).
partno Unit’s part number.
rev Numeric Item Change Status (ICS) value indicating the revision level of
the unit.
serno Serial number of the unit.
clei Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code of the unit (from
entPhysicalAssetID MIB).