
Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Parameter Description
Valid Values Any valid integer
Default Value 3
Syntax Integer
Example nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime: 3 nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup
This read-only attribute shows the number of changes sent to this replica since the server started.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Valid Range 0 to maximum 32-bit integer (2147483647)
Default Value
Syntax Integer
Example nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup: 647 nsDS5ReplicaCredentials
This attribute sets the credentials for the bind DN (specified in the nsDS5ReplicaBindDN attribute)
on the remote server containing the consumer replica. The value for this attribute can be modified.
When certificate-based authentication is used, this attribute may not have a value. The example
shows the dse.ldif entry, not the actual password. If this value over LDAP or using the Console, set
it to the cleartext credentials, and let the server encrypt the value.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Valid Values Any valid password, which is then encrypted
using the DES reversible password encryption
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString {DES} encrypted_password
Example nsDS5ReplicaCredentials:{DES}
9Eko69APCJfF08A0aD0C nsDS5ReplicaHost
This attribute sets the hostname for the remote server containing the consumer replica. Once this
attribute has been set, it cannot be modified.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config