
Replication Attributes under cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica, cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config
91 nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh
Initializes the replica. This attribute is absent by default. However, if this attribute is added with a
value of start, then the server initializes the replica and removes the attribute value. To monitor the
status of the initialization procedure, poll for this attribute. When initialization is finished, the attribute is
removed from the entry, and the other monitoring attributes can be used for detailed status inquiries.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Valid Values stop | start
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh: start nsDS5ReplicaRoot
This attribute sets the DN at the root of a replicated area. This attribute must have the same value as
the suffix of the database being replicated and cannot be modified.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=ReplicationAgreementName, cn=replica,
cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree, cn=config
Valid Values Suffix of the database being replicated - same as
suffixDN above
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsDS5ReplicaRoot: "dc=example,dc=com" nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime
This attribute sets the amount of time in seconds a supplier should wait between update sessions.
The default value is 0. If the attribute is set to a negative value, Directory Server sends the client a
message and an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error code.
The nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime attribute works in conjunction with the
nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime attribute. The two attributes are designed so that the
nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime interval is always at least one second longer than the interval
specified for nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime. The longer interval gives waiting suppliers a better
chance to gain consumer access before the previous supplier can re-access the consumer.
If either attribute is specified but not both, nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime is set automatically
to 1 second more than nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime.
If both attributes are specified, but nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime is less than or equal to
nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime, nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime is set automatically to 1
second more than nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime.