
Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts
Option Description
-w password Specifies the password associated with the user
-w - Prompts for the password associated with the
user DN.
-x excludeSuffix Specifies the suffixes to be excluded.
Table 7.24. ldif2db.pl Options
7.4.8. logconv.pl (Log Converter)
Analyzes the access logs of a Directory Server to extract usage statistics and count the occurrences
of significant events. It is compatible with log formats from previous releases of Directory Server. For
information on access logs, see Section 5.1, “Access Log Reference”.
logconv.pl is in the /usr/bin directory.
The tool will extract the following information from access logs:
Number of restarts
Total number of connections
Total operations requested
Total results returned
Results to requests ratio
Number of searches
Number of modifications
Number of adds
Number of deletes
Number of modified RDNs
Persistent searches
Internal operations (with verbose logs)
Entry operations (with verbose logs)
Extended operations
Abandoned requests
Smart referrals received (verbose logs)
VLV (virtual list view) operations
VLV unindexed searches
Server-side sorting operations
SSL connections
Performance lowering operations:
Entire database searches
Unindexed searches (details optional)
FDs (file descriptors) taken
FDs returned
Highest FD taken
Broken pipes
Connections reset by peer
Unavailable resources (and detail)
Total binds and types of binds
Most frequent occurrence lists (optional)
Error and return codes
Failed logins
Connection codes
Client IP addresses and connection codes
Bind DNs
Base DNs for searching
Search filters
Etimes (elapsed operation time)
Longest etimes
Nentries (number of entries in result)
Largest Nentries
Extended operations
Most requested attributes
Recommendations (optional)
Table 7.25. Information Extracted from Access Logs
The logconv.pl tool displays two types of statistics useful for monitoring and optimizing directory
Simple counts of events such as the total number of binds and the total number of searches provide
overall usage information. This is the basic information that the tool will always print.