Option Description
-R Specifies that referrals are not to be followed
automatically. By default, the server follows
-v Specifies that the utility is to run in verbose
-V Specifies the LDAP version number to be used
on the operation. For example:
-V 2
LDAPv3 is the default. An LDAPv3 operation
cannot be performed against a Directory Server
that only supports LDAPv2.
-Y Specifies the proxy DN to use for the delete
operation. This argument is provided for
testing purposes. For more information about
proxied authorization, see the "Managing
Access Control" chapter in the Directory Server
Administrator's Guide.
Table 6.18. Additional ldapdelete Options
6.7. ldappasswd
Use ldappasswd to set or change user passwords in Directory Server.
• Syntax
• ldappasswd-specific Options
• General ldappasswd Options
• SASL Options
• Examples
ldappasswd [ options ] [ user ]
user is the authentication identity, typically a DN. If not specified, the distinguished name specified by
the -D option (bind name) is used.
ldappasswd-specific Options
Option Description
-A Specifies that the command should prompt for
the user's existing password.