
59 passwordChange (Password Change)
Indicates whether users may change their passwords.
This can be abbreviated to pwdAllowUserChange.
For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values on | off
Default Value on
Syntax DirectoryString
Example passwordChange: on passwordCheckSyntax (Check Password Syntax)
This attribute sets whether the password syntax is checked before the password is saved. The
password syntax checking mechanism checks that the password meets or exceeds the password
minimum length requirement and that the string does not contain any trivial words, such as the user's
name or user ID or any attribute value stored in the uid, cn, sn, givenname, ou, or mail attributes
of the user's directory entry.
Password syntax includes several different categories for checking:
Minimum number of digit characters (0-9)
Minimum number of ASCII alphabetic characters, both upper- and lower-case
Minimum number of uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters
Minimum number of lowercase ASCII alphabetic characters
Minimum number of special ASCII characters, such as !@#$
Minimum number of 8-bit characters
Maximum number of times that the same character can be immediately repeated, such as aaabbb
Minimum number of character categories required per password; a category can be upper- or lower-
case letters, special characters, digits, or 8-bit characters
This can be abbreviated to pwdCheckSyntax.
For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values on | off
Default Value off