Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities
Required or Optional Option Description Example
• minssf — Require
a minimum security
strength; this option
needs a numeric
value specifying
bits of encryption. A
value of - 1 means
integrity is provided
without privacy.
• maxssf — Require
a maximum security
strength; this option
needs a numeric
value specifying
bits of encryption. A
value of - 1 means
integrity is provided
without privacy. The
maximum value is
Table 6.9. Description of GSSAPI SASL Mechanism Options
Additional ldapsearch Options
Option Description
-1 Leaves out the opening version: 1 line from
the LDIF output.
-A Specifies that the search retrieve the attributes
only, not the attribute values. This option is useful
to determine if an attribute is present for an entry
and the value is not important.
-a Specifies how alias dereferencing is completed.
Values can be never, always, search, or
find. The default value is never.
-B Print non-ASCII values using the old output
format (attrName=attrValue).
-c Specifies the getEffectiveRights control
authzid. For example:
A value of "" means the authorization ID for the
operation. A value of dn: means anonymous
-E Reports the bind identity used for the search.