
Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference
80 nsds5DebugReplicaTimeout
This attribute gives an alternate timeout period to use when the replication is run with debug logging.
This can set only the time or both the time and the debug level:
nsds5debugreplicatimeout: seconds[:debuglevel]
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree,
Valid Values Any numeric string
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsds5debugreplicatimeout: 60:8192 nsDS5ReplConflict
Although this attribute is not in the cn=replica entry, it is used in conjunction with replication.
This multi-valued attribute is included on entries that have a change conflict that cannot be resolved
automatically by the synchronization process. To check for replication conflicts requiring administrator
intervention, perform an LDAP search for (nsDS5ReplConflict=*). For example:
ldapsearch -D cn=directory manager -w password -s sub -b dc=example,dc=com
"(|(objectclass=nsTombstone)(nsDS5ReplConflict=*))" dn nsDS5ReplConflict nsUniqueID
Using the search filter "(objectclass=nsTombstone)" also shows tombstone (deleted) entries.
The value of the nsDS5ReplConflict contains more information about which entries are in conflict,
usually by referring to them by their nsUniqueID. It is possible to search for a tombstone entry by its
nsUniqueID. For example:
ldapsearch -D cn=directory manager -w password -s sub -b dc=example,dc=com "(|
(objectclass=nsTombstone)(nsUniqueID=66a2b699-1dd211b2-807fa9c3-a58714648))" nsDS5ReplicaAutoReferral
This attribute sets whether the Directory Server follows configured referrals for the database.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree,
Valid Values on | off
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsDS5ReplicaAutoReferral: on nsDS5ReplicaBindDN
This multi-valued attribute specifies the DN to use when binding. Although there can be more than one
value in this cn=replica entry, there can only be one supplier bind DN per replication agreement.