Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts
Option Alternate Options Description
--silent -s This runs the register script
in silent mode, drawing the
configuration information from
a file (set with the --file
parameter) or from arguments
passed in the command line
rather than interactively.
--file=name -f name This sets the path and name
of the file which contains the
configuration settings for the
new Directory Server instance.
This can be used with the --
silent parameter; if used
alone, it sets the default values
for the setup prompts.
--debug -d[dddd] This parameter turns on
debugging information. For the
-d flag, increasing the number
of d's increases the debug
--keepcache -k This saves the temporary
installation file (.inf) that is
created when the register script
is run. This file can then be
reused for a silent setup. This
file is always generated, but
is usually deleted once the
install is complete. The file is
created as a log file named /
tmp/setuprandom.inf, like
The cache
file contains
the cleartext
setup. Use
caution and
protection with
this file.