
The server has to be restarted for the port number change to be taken into account.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 1 to 65535
Default Value 636
Syntax Integer
Example nsslapd-securePort: 636 nsslapd-security (Security)
This attribute sets whether the Directory Server is to accept SSL/TLS communications on its encrypted
port. This attribute should be set to on for secure connections. To run with security on, the server must
be configured with a private key and server certificate in addition to the other SSL/TLS configuration.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values on | off
Default Value off
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsslapd-security: off nsslapd-sizelimit (Size Limit)
This attribute sets the maximum number of entries to return from a search operation. If this limit is
reached, ns-slapd returns any entries it has located that match the search request, as well as an
exceeded size limit error.
When no limit is set, ns-slapd returns every matching entry to the client regardless of the number
found. To set a no limit value whereby the Directory Server waits indefinitely for the search to
complete, specify a value of -1 for this attribute in the dse.ldif file.
This limit applies to everyone, regardless of their organization.
A value of -1 on this attribute in dse.ldif file is the same as leaving the attribute
blank in the server console, in that it causes no limit to be used. This cannot have
a null value in dse.ldif file, as it is not a valid integer. It is possible to set it to 0,
which returns size limit exceeded for every search.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range -1 to the maximum 32 bit integer value
Default Value 2000
Syntax Integer