Parameter Description
Example passwordMinLowers: 1 PasswordMinSpecials (Password Syntax)
This attribute sets the minimum number of special, or not alphanumeric, characters a password must
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 0 to 64
Default Value 0
Syntax Integer
Example passwordMinSpecials: 1 PasswordMinTokenLength (Password Syntax)
This attribute sets the smallest attribute value length that is used for trivial words checking. For
example, if the PasswordMinTokenLength is set to 3, then a givenname of DJ does not result in
a policy that rejects DJ from being in the password, but the policy rejects a password containing the
givenname of Bob.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 1 to 64
Default Value 3
Syntax Integer
Example passwordMinTokenLength: 3 PasswordMinUppers (Password Syntax)
This sets the minimum number of uppercase letters password must contain.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 0 to 64
Default Value 0
Syntax Integer
Example passwordMinUppers: 2 passwordMustChange (Password Must Change)
Indicates whether users must change their passwords when they first bind to the Directory Server or
when the password has been reset by the Manager DN.
This can be abbreviated to pwdMustChange.