Access Commands
The access command validates a user’s authority or controls authorization
services. Using the access command, you can retrieve information about user
groups, add a user to or delete a user from a group, and specify a mapping between
site-defined administrative groups and the administrative groups that are used to
authorize actions on the Service Processor.
TABLE B-1 lists the groups of access subcommands.
Note – Every command returns a return code upon completion.
TABLE B-1 Access Subcommand Groups
Subcommand Group Description
access groups Returns the authorization group for a specific user or a list of
defined groups.
access map Maps, unmaps and returns a list of existing site-specified group
names (the directory service group) mapped to one of the
standard administrative groups.
access public key Manages public keys and public key users.
access services Enables, disables, or defines a directory services mechanism that
determines a user's group memberships.
access trust Creates a host-based trust relationship for the specified host.
access user Manages local users or a group of users.