Appendix D Inventory Commands 121
Inventory Get Software Subcommand
Description: Returns the inventory information for all installed or uninstalled
software (located on the optional external file system).
Command format:
inventory get software [{-a | --all}][{-H | --noheader}]
[{-D | --delim <DELIMITER>}]
TABLE D-6 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
Return Codes
TABLE D-7 lists the return codes for this subcommand.
TABLE D-6 Arguments for Subcommand inventory get software
Arguments Description
{-a | --all} Optional: Looks in the directory /sw_images on the Service
Processor for software packages and uninstalled software.
{ -H | --noheader } Suppresses column headings.
{ -D | --delim } Delimits columns with the specified delimiter. Headings are
also delimited unless suppressed. The delimiter can be any
character or string.
TABLE D-7 Return Codes for Subcommand inventory get software
Return Code ID Description
NWSE_Success 0 Command successfully completed.
NWSE_InvalidUsage 1 Invalid usage: bad parameter usage, conflicting
options specified.
NWSE_RPCTimeout 2 Request was issued, but was not serviced by the
server. RPC procedure timed out and the request may
or may not have been serviced by the server.
NWSE_RPCNotConnected 3 Unable to connect to the RPC server.