96 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
Access Public Key Subcommands
The subcommands listed in TABLE B-25 allow you to manage public keys and
public-key users.
Access Add Public Key Subcommand
Description: Installs a public key for SSH authentication which enables SSH logins
and remote command execution without being prompted for a password. You must
first generate a key pair (RSA or DSA) which you can generate using the
ssh-keygen command included with OpenSSH.
■ Only local users can install public keys (not users who gain authorization through
a mapping of a directory-services group)
■ Managers can add keys for any local user.
■ Up to 10 users can install public keys; one key per user.
■ The maximum key length supported is 4096 bits.
Command format:
access add public key {–k | --keyfile} PUBLIC_KEY_FILE [–u | --user]
TABLE B-26 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
TABLE B-25 Access Public Key Subcommands
Subcommand Description
access add public key Installs a public key for SSH authentication.
access get public key users Determines which users have public keys installed.
access delete public key Removes a user’s public key.
TABLE B-26 Arguments for Subcommand access add public key
Arguments Description
{–k | --keyfile} Specifies the user’s public RSA or DSA key.
{-u |--user} Specifies the user for which this key will be installed. The default
is the current user if no user is specified.