Service Processor Commands
The sp command gets or sets the configuration values for the Service Processor (SP),
generates or manages events and notices; or adds or modifies subscribers, event
routes and email-notification groups for the SP event manager.
TABLE H-1 lists the groups of sp subcommands.
Note – Every command returns a return code upon completion.
TABLE H-1 Service Processor Subcommand Groups
Subcommand Description
Date Sets or retrieves the date and time on the SP RTC.
DNS Displays or configures the DNS client configuration on the SP.
Events Returns detailed information or clears an event.
Hostname Displays or resets the host name or domain name of the SP.
IP Sets, modifies or retrieves the SP network configuration.
JNET Address Sets or retrieves the jnet address.
Locate Light Sets the state or reads the value of the locatelight switch.
Logfile Retrieves or configures the event log file.
Miscellaneous Reads status for a component, retrieves the last port 80 postcode,
restores settings to defaults, stores data in tar zipped format, or
captures debug data.
Mount Displays, creates, resets or deletes a mount point.
SMTP Manages information about SMTP email delivery.