118 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
Inventory Compare Versions
Description: Returns a list of all installed software packages and the version
differences with those listed in a release manifest. You can use this command to
verify that your installation is consistent with a supported release and to determine
the packages that have been updated in a new release.
Command format:
inventory compare versions {-f | -–file} RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE {-v |
TABLE D-2 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
TABLE D-2 Arguments for Subcommand inventory compare versions
Arguments Description
{-f | -–file} The file describing all of the packages and versions within a release
of software. These files are at the root directory of an unzipped
NSV file and are usually accessed via the share point at /mnt.
{-v | -–verbose} Displays additional information, including the path to the
matching package on the NSV, the installed package description
and the matching manifest package description.