Appendix H Service Processor Commands 205
SP SMTP Subcommands
The subcommands in TABLE H-64 manage SMTP communications.
SP Get SMTP Server Subcommand
Description: Retrieves the SMTP server information, including the from address.
Command format:
sp get smtp server [-H | --noheader] [{-D | --delim <DELIMITER>}]
NWSE_NoRouteToHost 13 No route to host (network down).
NWSE_HostDown 14 Host is down.
NWSE_NotMounted 21 File system is not mounted.
TABLE H-64 SP SMTP Subcommands
Subcommand Description
sp get smtp server Retrieves the SMTP server information.
sp get smtp subscribers Returns detailed information about one or all SMTP
sp set smtp server Configures the SP SMTP client with the address for the
remote SMTP server.
sp update smtp subscriber Updates the information for an existing SMTP subscriber.
TABLE H-63 Return Codes for Subcommand sp get mount
Return Code ID Description