Appendix A Server Management Commands Summary 77
NWSE_NoPermission 6 Not authorized to perform this
NWSE_MissingArgument 7 Missing argument(s).
NWSE_NoMemory 8 Insufficient memory.
NWSE_Busy 9 Device or resource is busy.
NWSE_NotImplemented 10 Function not implemented.
NWSE_RPCConnected 11 RPC client already connected.
NWSE_RPCConnRefused 12 RPC connection refused.
NWSE_NoRouteToHost 13 No route to host (network down).
NWSE_HostDown 14 Host is down.
NWSE_UnknownError 15 Miscellaneous error not captured
by other errors.
NWSE_GatewayOffNet 16 Gateway address is not on
NWSE_NetMaskIncorrect 17 An inappropriate netmask was
NWSE_FileError 18 File open, file missing, or a read
or write error occurred.
NWSE_Exist 19 Entity (user, service or other)
already exists.
NWSE_NotRecognized 20 Request not understood.
NWSE_NotMounted 21 File system is not mounted.
NWSE_InvalidOpForState 22 Invalid operation for current
NWSE_TimedOut 23 Operation timed out.
NWSE_ServiceNotAvailable 24 Requested service is not available.
NWSE_DeviceError 25 Unable to read or write to the
NWSE_LimitExceeded 26 Limit has been exceeded.
TABLE A-2 Return Codes (2 of 2)
Return Code ID Description