230 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
updating SP software 21
service processor commands, see sp commands
setup account, logging in 13
shell scripts, using 55
simple network management protocol, see SNMP
SNMP interface
agent on the SP 45
Agent X 46
architecture diagram 44
community name, setting 46
configuring 44
integration overview 42
logging options, setting 47
management information base (MIB) 42
MIB details 50
overview 41
prerequisites 44
proxy agent 45
server event trap destinations 49
server event traps 48
SP events table 51
third-party MIB browser 47
troubleshooting 53
sp commands
add mount 201
add snmp-destination 212
create test events 185
date subcommands summary 162
delete event 168
delete mount 203
delete snmp-destination 214
disable dns 165
disable ssl-required 218
dns subcommands summary 165
enable dns 166
enable ssl-required 219
get date 162
get dns 167
get events 169
get hostname 171
get ip 174
get jnet 177
get locatelight 180
get logfile 182
get mount 204
get port80 186
get smtp server 205
get smtp subscribers 208
get snmp proxy community 216
get snmp-destinations 215
get ssl 220
get status 194
get tdulog 195
hostname subcommand summary table 171
ip subcommands summary 174
JNET address subcommand summary 177
load settings 193
locatelight subcommand summary 180
logfile subcommand summary 182
miscellaneous subcommand summary 185
mount subcommands summary 201
reboot 197
reset 198
set date 163
set hostname 172
set ip 175
set jnet 178
set locatelight 181
set logfile 183
set smtp server 207
set snmp proxy community 216
set ssl 221
smtp subcommands summary 205
snmp subcommands summary 212
SP events subcommand summary 168
ssl subcommands summary 218
subcommand group summary table 161
update diags 226
update flash all 222
update flash applications 224
update flash pic 225
update smtp subscriber 209
update subcommands summary 222
SSHaccess using publickeys, enablingfor scripting
SSH access using trusted hosts, enabling for
scripting 59
ssh command protocol 74
SSH, using for remote scripting 56
summary of command types 75
system event log, IPMI 38