Appendix H Service Processor Commands 215
SP Get SNMP Destinations Subcommand
Description: Displays the available SNMP destinations (IP address or host name) to
which the SP is configured to send. Many networking programs use this information
to identify the machine.
Command format:
sp get snmp-destinations
Return Codes
TABLE H-80 lists the return codes for this subcommand.
NWSE_RPCConnRefused 12 RPC connection refused.
NWSE_UnknownError 15 Miscellaneous error not captured by other errors.
NWSE_FileError 18 File open, file missing, or a read or write error
TABLE H-80 Return Codes for Subcommand sp get snmp-destinations
Return Code ID Description
NWSE_Success 0 Command successfully completed.
NWSE_InvalidUsage 1 Invalid usage: bad parameter usage, conflicting options
NWSE_RPCTimeout 2 Request was issued, but was not serviced by the server.
RPC procedure timed out and the request may or may
not have been serviced by the server.
NWSE_RPCNotConnected 3 Unable to connect to the RPC server.
NWSE_NoMemory 8 Insufficient memory.
NWSE_UnknownError 15 Miscellaneous error not captured by other errors.
NWSE_FileError 18 File open, file missing, or a read or write error occurred.
TABLE H-79 Return Codes for Subcommand sp delete snmp-destination
Return Code ID Description