220 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
SP Get SSL Subcommand
Description: Determines if automatic redirect to secure HTTP is required or optional,
and whether Apache Web Server is using factory or user-supplied SSL certificate
Command format:
sp get ssl [{-H | noheader}] [{-D | --delim <DELIMITER>}]
TABLE H-87 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
Return Codes
TABLE H-88 lists the return codes for this subcommand.
TABLE H-87 Arguments for Subcommand sp get ssl
Arguments Description
{ -H | --noheader } Suppresses column headings.
{ -D | --delim } Delimits columns with the specified delimiter. Headings are
also delimited unless suppressed. The delimiter can be any
character or string.
TABLE H-88 Return Codes for Subcommand sp get ssl
Return Code ID Description
NWSE_Success 0 Command successfully completed.
NWSE_InvalidUsage 1 Invalid usage: bad parameter usage, conflicting
options specified.
NWSE_NoPermission 6 Not authorized to perform this operation.
NWSE_NoMemory 8 Insufficient memory.
NWSE_ServiceNotAvailable 24 Requested service is not available.