Previews 124
15. Display the Y= Editor. For y1(x), the
MedMed regression equation, set the
display style to
Note: Depending on the previous contents
of your
Y= Editor, you may need to move
the cursor to
PLOTS 1 at the top of the screen means
Plot 1 is selected.
Notice that
y1(x) and y2(x) were selected
when the regression equations were
Press 8 # 2 ˆ 2
16. Scroll up to highlight
Plot 1.
The displayed shorthand definition is the
same as on the Plot Setup screen.
Press C
17. Use
ZoomData to graph Plot 1 and the
regression equations
y1(x) and y2(x).
ZoomData examines the data for all
selected stat plots and adjusts the viewing
window to include all points.
Press „ 9
Steps and keystrokes Display