Statistics and Data Plots 570
• From the Home screen or a program, use the NewData command.
For example:
NewData temp1, time, temp
creates a data variable called temp1 in which time is in column 1 and temp is in column
• From the Data/Matrix Editor, create a new, empty data variable with the applicable
name. For each CBL 2 list that you want to include, define a column header as that
list name.
Note: To define or clear a column header, use †. For more information, refer to the
Data/Matrix Editor module.
At this point, the columns are linked to the CBL 2 lists. If the lists are changed, the
columns will be updated automatically. However, if the lists are deleted, the data will
be lost.
To make the data variable independent of the CBL 2 lists, clear the column header
for each column. The information remains in the column, but the column is no longer
linked to the CBL 2 list.
NewData dataVar, list1 [,list2 ] [,list3 ] ...
CBL 2 list variable names. In the new data
variable, list1 will be copied to column 1, list
2 to column 2, etc.
Name of the new data variable that you
want to create.
For example, define column 1
as time, column 2 as temp.