Additional Graphing Topics 481
Simultaneous Graphs with Lists
Simultaneous Graphs with ListsSimultaneous Graphs with Lists
Simultaneous Graphs with Lists
When the graph format is set for
Graph Order = SIMUL, the functions are graphed in
groups according to the element number in the list.
The functions within each group are graphed simultaneously, but the groups are graphed
Note: To set graph formats from the Y= Editor, Window Editor, or Graph screen, press:
8 Í
When Tracing a Family of Curves
When Tracing a Family of CurvesWhen Tracing a Family of Curves
When Tracing a Family of Curves
Pressing D or C moves the trace cursor to the next or previous curve in the same family
before moving to the next or previous selected function.
For these example functions, the TI-89
Titanium / Voyage™ 200
Graphing Calculator graphs three groups.
• 2 sin(x), x+4, cos(x)
• 4 sin(x), 2x+4
• 6 sin(x), 3x+4
graph {2,4,6}sin(x)
graph {2,4,6}sin({1,2,3}x)