Programming 601
How Strings Are Used
How Strings Are UsedHow Strings Are Used
How Strings Are Used
A string is a sequence of characters enclosed in "quotes." In programming, strings allow
the program to display information or prompt the user to perform some action. For
Some input commands (such as
InputStr) automatically store user input as a string and
do not require the user to enter quotation marks.
A string cannot be evaluated mathematically, even if it appears to be a numeric
expression. For example, the string "
61" represents the characters "6" and "1", not the
Although you cannot use a string such as "
61" or "2x+4" in a calculation, you can convert
a string into a numeric expression by using the
expr command.
Disp "The result is",answer
– or –
Input "Enter the angle in degrees",ang1
– or –
"Enter the angle in degrees”!str1
Input str1,ang1