
Numeric Solver 671
Enter a number or expression for all variables except the one you want to solve for.
Notes and Common Errors
Notes and Common ErrorsNotes and Common Errors
Notes and Common Errors
If you define a variable:
- In terms of another variable in the
equation, that variable must be
defined first.
- In terms of another variable that is not
in the equation, that variable must
already have a value; it cannot be
- As an expression, it is evaluated
when you move the cursor off the line.
The expression must evaluate to a
real number
If the equation contains a variable already
defined in terms of other variables, those
other variables are listed.
Note: When you assign a value to a
variable in the Numeric Solver, that
variable is defined globally. It still exists
after you leave the solver.
Since a is defined in
terms of g, you must
define g before a.
When you move the
cursor to another line,
g/3 is evaluated.
If variable a was
defined previously as
b+c!a, then b and c
are listed instead of a.