Appendix B: Technical Reference 920
850 Program not found
A program reference inside another program could not be found in
the provided path during execution.
855 Rand type functions not allowed in 3D graphing
860 Recursion is limited to 255 calls deep
870 Reserved name or system variable
875 ROM-resident routine not available
880 Sequence setup
885 Signature error
890 Singular matrix
895 Slope fields need one selected function and are used for 1st-order
equations only
900 Stat
910 Syntax
The structure of the entry is incorrect. For example, x+ -y (x plus
minus y) is invalid; whereas, x+
y (x plus negative y) is correct.
930 Too few arguments
The expression or equation is missing one or more arguments. For
example, d(f(x)) is invalid; whereas, d(f(x),x) is the correct syntax.
940 Too many arguments
The expression or equation contains an excessive number of
arguments and cannot be evaluated.
950 Too many subscripts
955 Too many undefined variables
960 Undefined variable
965 Unlicensed OS or Flash application
970 Variable in use so references or changes are not allowed
980 Variable is locked, protected, or archived
990 Variable name is limited to 8 characters
1000 Window variables domain
1010 Zoom
Warning: รถ
%^0 or undef^0 replaced by 1
Warning: 0^0 replaced by 1
Warning: 1^
% or 1^undef replaced by 1
Warning: cSolve may specify more zeros
Warning: May produce false equation
Number Description