Programming 608
Note: EndIf marks the end of the Then block that is executed if the condition is true.
If...Then...Else... EndIf Structures
If...Then...Else... EndIf StructuresIf...Then...Else... EndIf Structures
If...Then...Else... EndIf Structures
To execute one group of commands if a conditional test is true and a different group if
the condition is false, use this structure:
Executed only if x>5.
Ë Executed only if x{5.
Ì Displays value of:
• 2x if x>5
• 5x if x
If...Then...ElseIf... EndIf Structures
If...Then...ElseIf... EndIf StructuresIf...Then...ElseIf... EndIf Structures
If...Then...ElseIf... EndIf Structures
A more complex form of the If command lets you test a series of conditions. Suppose
your program prompts the user for a number that corresponds to one of four options. To
test for each option (
If Choice=1, If Choice = 2, etc.), use the If...Then...ElseIf...EndIf
:If x>5 Then
: Disp "x is greater than 5"
: 2†x!x
: Disp "x is less than or
equal to 5"
: 5†x!x
:Disp x