Programming 606
Using If, Lbl, and Goto to Control Program Flow
Using If, Lbl, and Goto to Control Program FlowUsing If, Lbl, and Goto to Control Program Flow
Using If, Lbl, and Goto to Control Program Flow
An If...EndIf structure uses a conditional test to decide whether or not to execute one or
more commands.
Lbl (label) and Goto commands can also be used to branch (or jump)
from one place to another in a program.
F2 Control Toolbar Menu
F2 Control Toolbar MenuF2 Control Toolbar Menu
F2 Control Toolbar Menu
To enter
If...EndIf structures, use the Program
Editor’s „
Control toolbar menu.
The If command is available directly from the
„ menu.
To see a submenu that lists other
If structures,
When you select a structure such as
If...Then...EndIf, a template is inserted at the
cursor location.
:If | Then Ê
The cursor is
positioned so that you
can enter a conditional